Have you ever thought of just disappearing? To leave the only place you’ve known your whole life. To travel somewhere you don’t know. To see the world freely. I have.
I think about it all the time — leaving. I want to go to a place where no one knows me, where I can move freely, and where I can heal.
I imagine leaving as something so peaceful, an escape from the weight of familiarity and expectations. I picture myself exploring new cafes and libraries, meeting new people, and doing things I truly enjoy. Sometimes, I even imagine myself as an anonymous writer in a foreign country, sharing my thoughts and stories without the baggage of my past. A girl can dream, right?
“Where would you go?”
Anywhere. Somewhere peaceful. Somewhere quiet. A place to be free. Maybe New Zealand, so I can see the aurora borealis. Or perhaps Canada, to visit the towns of Quebec. Or even Iceland! I dream of soaking in the hot springs of the Blue Lagoon or just watching the northern lights dance across the sky. Just anywhere, really. Just far away from where I am.
For me, it’s a chance to redefine my whole being. There’s a certain beauty in the idea of starting over, to wake up without the shadows of an embarrassing childhood, regrets, and the endless “what ifs.” The thought of my past not following me when I step into a new world makes me feel like I can finally be who I really want to be.
Leaving the place I’ve known my whole life is like trying a food I used to dislike but now find irresistible. The hesitation gives way to a discovery, and suddenly, the unfamiliar becomes a new favorite.
I see myself waking up in a bustling yet peaceful town, the morning sun casting a golden glow on cobblestone streets. I imagine wandering through lively markets, the air filled with the scent of fresh bread and the chatter of locals. I picture myself sitting in cozy cafes, sipping coffee while writing in my journal.
These thoughts of leaving aren’t about running away from my problems, but rather about seeking a space where I can grow and heal. It’s about finding the courage to step out of my comfort zone and embrace the unknown. It’s about believing in the possibility of a life that is different from the one I’ve always known.
There’s happiness in the anonymity, in the freedom to share or withhold my story as I choose.
It’s a chance to be seen for who I am in that moment, not for who I’ve been.